
A few days ago I was relaxing with a beer and my feet up after a hard day’s drawing, pen and sketchbook at hand and I started to doodle a little chair…halfway through I realised it was a chair that used to be in my grandparents’ house, so I drew me sitting in it reading a big book.

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I posted my doodle on Twitter and Instagram. People seemed to like it and it sparked off a lovely idea in the ever fertile brain of my friend, Dom Conlon, which was to get people doodling their memories and sharing them. 🙂

So…if you have a memory to share, doodle, add a little text maybe, post it on Twitter with the hashtag #memorydoodle  or address it to @headfirst_dom so that he can share it on his Inkology website.

Read all about it and take a look at what other people have drawn here.  You don’t need to be an artist or even good at drawing. Here’s Dom’s effort:

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(I don’t think he’s as bad at drawing as he claims though.)